Unknown error 130 while trying to load the application onto Controllino


  • After trying to load the application to a â†’Controllino, the text Unkown error "130" while executing a target command is displayed as execution state in the Instances view. The application is not loaded.

  • After the cause (see below) has been removed, the target system is properly defined in the project but the unknown error "130" is still displayed after the application is loaded anew.

Cause: The target system is or was a different size than set for the project. Example: The target system is a Controllino MINI but the project template for a Controllino MAXI has been used.


  1. Create a project for the proper Controllino size. Example: In case of Controllino MINI as target system, use the project template for Controllino MINI.

  2. Create the required functionality in the new project. Depending on the scope, you might want to move e.g. the required ST-objects into the new project. However, do not move the PLC-object because the PLC-object in the new project contains the proper definitions. You might have to adjust the assignment of the program type in the PLC-object of the new project.

  3. In the Instances view, now connect to the Controllino for the new project. Then click onto the button .
    Mind that the loading of the application might take some time – even if its progress bar has already been closed. Example: In case of projects with little code, the loading of the application takes about 30 seconds. The application has been successfully loaded, if Running is displayed as execution state.

More useful information: Cannot build or load application